Document (#34681)

Nicholas, D.
Huntington, P.
Jamali, H.R.
Rowlands, I.
Fieldhouse, M.
Student digital information-seeking behaviour in context
Journal of documentation. 65(2009) no.1, S.106-132
Purpose - This study provides evidence on the actual information-seeking behaviour of students in a digital scholarly environment, not what they thought they did. It also compares student information-seeking behaviour with that of other academic communities, and, in some cases, for practitioners. Design/methodology/approach - Data were gathered as part of CIBER's ongoing Virtual Scholar programme. In particular log data from two digital journals libraries, Blackwell Synergy and OhioLINK, and one e-book collection (Oxford Scholarship Online) are utilized. Findings - The study showed a distinctive form of information-seeking behaviour associated with students and differences between them and other members of the academic community. For example, students constituted the biggest users in terms of sessions and pages viewed, and they were more likely to undertake longer online sessions. Undergraduates and postgraduates were the most likely users of library links to access scholarly databases, suggesting an important "hot link" role for libraries. Originality/value - Few studies have focused on the actual (rather than perceived) information-seeking behaviour of students. The study fills that gap.

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    4.363135 = sum of:
      4.363135 = sum of:
        0.59128946 = weight(author_txt:nicholas in 2017) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
          0.59128946 = score(doc=2017,freq=1.0), product of:
            0.3435375 = queryWeight, product of:
              7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
              0.04366126 = queryNorm
            1.7211788 = fieldWeight in 2017, product of:
              1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                1.0 = termFreq=1.0
              7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
              0.21875 = fieldNorm(doc=2017)
        0.8627573 = weight(author_txt:huntington in 2017) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
          0.8627573 = score(doc=2017,freq=1.0), product of:
            0.44194326 = queryWeight, product of:
              1.134217 = boost
              8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
              0.04366126 = queryNorm
            1.9521903 = fieldWeight in 2017, product of:
              1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                1.0 = termFreq=1.0
              8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
              0.21875 = fieldNorm(doc=2017)
        0.88161093 = weight(author_txt:jamali in 2017) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
          0.88161093 = score(doc=2017,freq=1.0), product of:
            0.44835848 = queryWeight, product of:
              1.1424195 = boost
              8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
              0.04366126 = queryNorm
            1.9663081 = fieldWeight in 2017, product of:
              1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                1.0 = termFreq=1.0
              8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
              0.21875 = fieldNorm(doc=2017)
        0.9020672 = weight(author_txt:rowlands in 2017) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
          0.9020672 = score(doc=2017,freq=1.0), product of:
            0.45526752 = queryWeight, product of:
              1.151188 = boost
              9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
              0.04366126 = queryNorm
            1.9814003 = fieldWeight in 2017, product of:
              1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                1.0 = termFreq=1.0
              9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
              0.21875 = fieldNorm(doc=2017)
        1.1254102 = weight(author_txt:fieldhouse in 2017) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
          1.1254102 = score(doc=2017,freq=1.0), product of:
            0.527612 = queryWeight, product of:
              1.2392823 = boost
              9.7509775 = idf(docFreq=6, maxDocs=44218)
              0.04366126 = queryNorm
            2.1330264 = fieldWeight in 2017, product of:
              1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                1.0 = termFreq=1.0
              9.7509775 = idf(docFreq=6, maxDocs=44218)
              0.21875 = fieldNorm(doc=2017)
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    3.700257 = sum of:
      3.700257 = product of:
        4.6253214 = sum of:
          0.8446992 = weight(author_txt:nicholas in 824) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.8446992 = score(doc=824,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.3435375 = queryWeight, product of:
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.4588268 = fieldWeight in 824, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=824)
          1.2325104 = weight(author_txt:huntington in 824) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.2325104 = score(doc=824,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44194326 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.134217 = boost
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.7888432 = fieldWeight in 824, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=824)
          1.2594442 = weight(author_txt:jamali in 824) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.2594442 = score(doc=824,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44835848 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1424195 = boost
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.8090117 = fieldWeight in 824, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=824)
          1.2886674 = weight(author_txt:rowlands in 824) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.2886674 = score(doc=824,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.45526752 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.151188 = boost
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.830572 = fieldWeight in 824, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=824)
        0.8 = coord(4/5)
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    2.9602056 = sum of:
      2.9602056 = product of:
        3.7002568 = sum of:
          0.6757594 = weight(author_txt:nicholas in 1911) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.6757594 = score(doc=1911,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.3435375 = queryWeight, product of:
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              1.9670614 = fieldWeight in 1911, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=1911)
          0.98600835 = weight(author_txt:huntington in 1911) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.98600835 = score(doc=1911,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44194326 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.134217 = boost
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.2310746 = fieldWeight in 1911, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=1911)
          1.0075554 = weight(author_txt:jamali in 1911) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.0075554 = score(doc=1911,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44835848 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1424195 = boost
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.2472093 = fieldWeight in 1911, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=1911)
          1.030934 = weight(author_txt:rowlands in 1911) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.030934 = score(doc=1911,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.45526752 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.151188 = boost
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.2644575 = fieldWeight in 1911, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=1911)
        0.8 = coord(4/5)
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    2.4023907 = sum of:
      2.4023907 = product of:
        4.0039845 = sum of:
          1.0136391 = weight(author_txt:nicholas in 2040) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.0136391 = score(doc=2040,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.3435375 = queryWeight, product of:
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.950592 = fieldWeight in 2040, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.375 = fieldNorm(doc=2040)
          1.4790126 = weight(author_txt:huntington in 2040) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.4790126 = score(doc=2040,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44194326 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.134217 = boost
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              3.346612 = fieldWeight in 2040, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.924298 = idf(docFreq=15, maxDocs=44218)
                0.375 = fieldNorm(doc=2040)
          1.511333 = weight(author_txt:jamali in 2040) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.511333 = score(doc=2040,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44835848 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1424195 = boost
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              3.3708138 = fieldWeight in 2040, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.375 = fieldNorm(doc=2040)
        0.6 = coord(3/5)
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    2.0356865 = sum of:
      2.0356865 = product of:
        3.3928108 = sum of:
          0.8446992 = weight(author_txt:nicholas in 961) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.8446992 = score(doc=961,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.3435375 = queryWeight, product of:
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.4588268 = fieldWeight in 961, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.8682456 = idf(docFreq=45, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=961)
          1.2594442 = weight(author_txt:jamali in 961) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.2594442 = score(doc=961,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.44835848 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1424195 = boost
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.8090117 = fieldWeight in 961, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.988837 = idf(docFreq=14, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=961)
          1.2886674 = weight(author_txt:rowlands in 961) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            1.2886674 = score(doc=961,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.45526752 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.151188 = boost
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.04366126 = queryNorm
              2.830572 = fieldWeight in 961, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                9.05783 = idf(docFreq=13, maxDocs=44218)
                0.3125 = fieldNorm(doc=961)
        0.6 = coord(3/5)

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    0.286588 = sum of:
      0.286588 = product of:
        1.0235286 = sum of:
          0.04186093 = weight(abstract_txt:academic in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.04186093 = score(doc=2566,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.11448465 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.220167 = boost
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                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.36564666 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.6802773 = idf(docFreq=1114, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.042576842 = weight(abstract_txt:study in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
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                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.46329734 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.030276539 = weight(abstract_txt:were in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.030276539 = score(doc=2566,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.105594814 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.4352005 = boost
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.28672373 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.035478503 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.035478503 = score(doc=2566,freq=6.0), product of:
              0.07657984 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.577876 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.46328777 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                2.4494898 = tf(freq=6.0), with freq of:
                  6.0 = termFreq=6.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.09851443 = weight(abstract_txt:students in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09851443 = score(doc=2566,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.2552023 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.5763385 = boost
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.38602486 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.30104622 = weight(abstract_txt:seeking in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.30104622 = score(doc=2566,freq=5.0), product of:
              0.3385479 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.317613 = boost
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.88922787 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                2.236068 = tf(freq=5.0), with freq of:
                  5.0 = termFreq=5.0
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
          0.47377515 = weight(abstract_txt:behaviour in 2566) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.47377515 = score(doc=2566,freq=6.0), product of:
              0.4310415 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.7434773 = boost
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              1.0991404 = fieldWeight in 2566, product of:
                2.4494898 = tf(freq=6.0), with freq of:
                  6.0 = termFreq=6.0
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=2566)
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      0.20334764 = product of:
        0.7262416 = sum of:
          0.029803788 = weight(abstract_txt:study in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.029803788 = score(doc=971,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.0918996 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.3388999 = boost
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.32430813 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.021193577 = weight(abstract_txt:were in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.021193577 = score(doc=971,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.105594814 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.4352005 = boost
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.20070662 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.022645714 = weight(abstract_txt:they in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.022645714 = score(doc=971,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.11036476 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.467258 = boost
                3.7520406 = idf(docFreq=2820, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.20518972 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.7520406 = idf(docFreq=2820, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.033626683 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.033626683 = score(doc=971,freq=11.0), product of:
              0.07657984 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.577876 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.43910623 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                3.3166249 = tf(freq=11.0), with freq of:
                  11.0 = termFreq=11.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.09752431 = weight(abstract_txt:students in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09752431 = score(doc=971,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.2552023 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.5763385 = boost
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.3821451 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.16323256 = weight(abstract_txt:seeking in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.16323256 = score(doc=971,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.3385479 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.317613 = boost
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.48215503 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
          0.35821494 = weight(abstract_txt:behaviour in 971) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.35821494 = score(doc=971,freq=7.0), product of:
              0.4310415 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.7434773 = boost
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.8310451 = fieldWeight in 971, product of:
                2.6457512 = tf(freq=7.0), with freq of:
                  7.0 = termFreq=7.0
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=971)
        0.28 = coord(7/25)
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    0.20263535 = sum of:
      0.20263535 = product of:
        0.72369766 = sum of:
          0.0986352 = weight(abstract_txt:undergraduates in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.0986352 = score(doc=812,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.16089873 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.0228382 = boost
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.61302656 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                7.84674 = idf(docFreq=46, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.02458175 = weight(abstract_txt:study in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.02458175 = score(doc=812,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.0918996 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.3388999 = boost
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.26748484 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.0524405 = weight(abstract_txt:were in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.0524405 = score(doc=812,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.105594814 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.4352005 = boost
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.49662006 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.02508709 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.02508709 = score(doc=812,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.07657984 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.577876 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.32759392 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.110098526 = weight(abstract_txt:student in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.110098526 = score(doc=812,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.21813683 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.684264 = boost
                6.4604454 = idf(docFreq=187, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.5047223 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.4604454 = idf(docFreq=187, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.13932043 = weight(abstract_txt:students in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.13932043 = score(doc=812,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.2552023 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.5763385 = boost
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.54592156 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
          0.27353418 = weight(abstract_txt:behaviour in 812) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.27353418 = score(doc=812,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.4310415 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.7434773 = boost
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.63458896 = fieldWeight in 812, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=812)
        0.28 = coord(7/25)
  4. Heinström, J.: Fast surfing, broad scanning and deep diving : the influence of personality and study approach on students' information-seeking behavior (2005) 0.20
    0.20184404 = sum of:
      0.20184404 = product of:
        0.72087157 = sum of:
          0.034061473 = weight(abstract_txt:study in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.034061473 = score(doc=4400,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.0918996 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.3388999 = boost
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.37063786 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.034253992 = weight(abstract_txt:were in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.034253992 = score(doc=4400,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.105594814 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.4352005 = boost
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.32439086 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.032773636 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.032773636 = score(doc=4400,freq=8.0), product of:
              0.07657984 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.577876 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.4279669 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                2.828427 = tf(freq=8.0), with freq of:
                  8.0 = termFreq=8.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.07408765 = weight(abstract_txt:actual in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.07408765 = score(doc=4400,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.19437715 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.5898943 = boost
                6.0984654 = idf(docFreq=269, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.3811541 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.0984654 = idf(docFreq=269, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.11145635 = weight(abstract_txt:students in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.11145635 = score(doc=4400,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.2552023 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.5763385 = boost
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.43673727 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.21541113 = weight(abstract_txt:seeking in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.21541113 = score(doc=4400,freq=4.0), product of:
              0.3385479 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.317613 = boost
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.63627964 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), with freq of:
                  4.0 = termFreq=4.0
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
          0.21882735 = weight(abstract_txt:behaviour in 4400) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.21882735 = score(doc=4400,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.4310415 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.7434773 = boost
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.5076712 = fieldWeight in 4400, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                5.7436438 = idf(docFreq=384, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=4400)
        0.28 = coord(7/25)
  5. Chung, J.S.; Neuman, D.: High school students' information seeking and use for class projects (2007) 0.19
    0.19339724 = sum of:
      0.19339724 = product of:
        0.60436636 = sum of:
          0.033488747 = weight(abstract_txt:academic in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.033488747 = score(doc=575,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.11448465 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.220167 = boost
                4.6802773 = idf(docFreq=1114, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.29251733 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.6802773 = idf(docFreq=1114, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.034061473 = weight(abstract_txt:study in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.034061473 = score(doc=575,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.0918996 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.3388999 = boost
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.37063786 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.423806 = idf(docFreq=3916, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.0419524 = weight(abstract_txt:were in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.0419524 = score(doc=575,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.105594814 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.4352005 = boost
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.39729604 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                3.6700637 = idf(docFreq=3061, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.025880815 = weight(abstract_txt:they in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.025880815 = score(doc=575,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.11036476 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.467258 = boost
                3.7520406 = idf(docFreq=2820, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.23450254 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.7520406 = idf(docFreq=2820, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.020069672 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.020069672 = score(doc=575,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.07657984 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.577876 = boost
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.26207513 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.08807882 = weight(abstract_txt:student in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.08807882 = score(doc=575,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.21813683 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.684264 = boost
                6.4604454 = idf(docFreq=187, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.40377784 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.4604454 = idf(docFreq=187, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.20851573 = weight(abstract_txt:students in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.20851573 = score(doc=575,freq=7.0), product of:
              0.2552023 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.5763385 = boost
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.8170606 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                2.6457512 = tf(freq=7.0), with freq of:
                  7.0 = termFreq=7.0
                4.9411182 = idf(docFreq=858, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
          0.15231867 = weight(abstract_txt:seeking in 575) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.15231867 = score(doc=575,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.3385479 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.317613 = boost
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.020047324 = queryNorm
              0.44991764 = fieldWeight in 575, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                5.090237 = idf(docFreq=739, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=575)
        0.32 = coord(8/25)