Curras, E.: System evolution within the information concept (1997)
0.11754539 = sum of:
0.11754539 = product of:
0.7346587 = sum of:
0.015552829 = weight(abstract_txt:these in 657) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.015552829 = score(doc=657,freq=1.0), product of:
0.052035794 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1553406 = boost
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.29888713 = fieldWeight in 657, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=657)
0.12239118 = weight(abstract_txt:theories in 657) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.12239118 = score(doc=657,freq=2.0), product of:
0.16340023 = queryWeight, product of:
2.0473177 = boost
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.74902695 = fieldWeight in 657, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=657)
0.09800986 = weight(abstract_txt:properties in 657) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.09800986 = score(doc=657,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17753163 = queryWeight, product of:
2.1340117 = boost
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.55206984 = fieldWeight in 657, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=657)
0.49870488 = weight(abstract_txt:abstraction in 657) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.49870488 = score(doc=657,freq=1.0), product of:
0.71280646 = queryWeight, product of:
6.7610593 = boost
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.69963574 = fieldWeight in 657, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=657)
0.16 = coord(4/25)
Frické, M.: Reflections on classification : Thomas Reid and bibliographic description (2013)
0.104091205 = sum of:
0.104091205 = product of:
0.65057003 = sum of:
0.05131511 = weight(abstract_txt:influenced in 1766) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.05131511 = score(doc=1766,freq=1.0), product of:
0.10336422 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1514075 = boost
6.3545527 = idf(docFreq=208, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.49644944 = fieldWeight in 1766, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.3545527 = idf(docFreq=208, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=1766)
0.10199265 = weight(abstract_txt:theories in 1766) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.10199265 = score(doc=1766,freq=2.0), product of:
0.16340023 = queryWeight, product of:
2.0473177 = boost
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.62418914 = fieldWeight in 1766, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=1766)
0.08167488 = weight(abstract_txt:properties in 1766) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.08167488 = score(doc=1766,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17753163 = queryWeight, product of:
2.1340117 = boost
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.46005818 = fieldWeight in 1766, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=1766)
0.41558737 = weight(abstract_txt:abstraction in 1766) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.41558737 = score(doc=1766,freq=1.0), product of:
0.71280646 = queryWeight, product of:
6.7610593 = boost
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.58302975 = fieldWeight in 1766, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=1766)
0.16 = coord(4/25)
Doerr, M.: Semantic problems of thesaurus mapping (2001)
0.10056366 = sum of:
0.10056366 = product of:
0.5028183 = sum of:
0.03818866 = weight(abstract_txt:mapping in 5902) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.03818866 = score(doc=5902,freq=2.0), product of:
0.085458316 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0469383 = boost
5.777993 = idf(docFreq=371, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.44686884 = fieldWeight in 5902, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.777993 = idf(docFreq=371, maxDocs=44218)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=5902)
0.02894181 = weight(abstract_txt:complexity in 5902) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.02894181 = score(doc=5902,freq=1.0), product of:
0.08950044 = queryWeight, product of:
1.071412 = boost
5.913062 = idf(docFreq=324, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.32337058 = fieldWeight in 5902, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.913062 = idf(docFreq=324, maxDocs=44218)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=5902)
0.037373476 = weight(abstract_txt:shows in 5902) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.037373476 = score(doc=5902,freq=1.0), product of:
0.13371918 = queryWeight, product of:
1.8520631 = boost
5.1107154 = idf(docFreq=724, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.27949226 = fieldWeight in 5902, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.1107154 = idf(docFreq=724, maxDocs=44218)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=5902)
0.10740317 = weight(abstract_txt:mappings in 5902) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.10740317 = score(doc=5902,freq=1.0), product of:
0.27028966 = queryWeight, product of:
2.6331382 = boost
7.2660704 = idf(docFreq=83, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.39736322 = fieldWeight in 5902, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.2660704 = idf(docFreq=83, maxDocs=44218)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=5902)
0.29091117 = weight(abstract_txt:abstraction in 5902) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.29091117 = score(doc=5902,freq=1.0), product of:
0.71280646 = queryWeight, product of:
6.7610593 = boost
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.40812084 = fieldWeight in 5902, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=5902)
0.2 = coord(5/25)
Hoekstra, R.: BestMap: context-aware SKOS vocabulary mappings in OWL 2 (2009)
0.088519014 = sum of:
0.088519014 = product of:
0.5532439 = sum of:
0.080179475 = weight(abstract_txt:mapping in 1574) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.080179475 = score(doc=1574,freq=3.0), product of:
0.085458316 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0469383 = boost
5.777993 = idf(docFreq=371, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.9382291 = fieldWeight in 1574, product of:
1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
3.0 = termFreq=3.0
5.777993 = idf(docFreq=371, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1574)
0.015552829 = weight(abstract_txt:these in 1574) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.015552829 = score(doc=1574,freq=1.0), product of:
0.052035794 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1553406 = boost
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.29888713 = fieldWeight in 1574, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1574)
0.13860688 = weight(abstract_txt:properties in 1574) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.13860688 = score(doc=1574,freq=2.0), product of:
0.17753163 = queryWeight, product of:
2.1340117 = boost
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.7807447 = fieldWeight in 1574, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1574)
0.3189047 = weight(abstract_txt:mappings in 1574) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.3189047 = score(doc=1574,freq=3.0), product of:
0.27028966 = queryWeight, product of:
2.6331382 = boost
7.2660704 = idf(docFreq=83, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
1.1798627 = fieldWeight in 1574, product of:
1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
3.0 = termFreq=3.0
7.2660704 = idf(docFreq=83, maxDocs=44218)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1574)
0.16 = coord(4/25)
Thiel, C.: ¬Der klassische und der moderne Begriff des Begriffs : Gedanken zur Geschichte der Begriffsbildung in den exakten Wissenschaften (1994)
0.07453986 = sum of:
0.07453986 = product of:
0.46587414 = sum of:
0.010368553 = weight(abstract_txt:these in 7868) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.010368553 = score(doc=7868,freq=1.0), product of:
0.052035794 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1553406 = boost
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.19925809 = fieldWeight in 7868, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
3.1881294 = idf(docFreq=4957, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=7868)
0.057695754 = weight(abstract_txt:theories in 7868) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.057695754 = score(doc=7868,freq=1.0), product of:
0.16340023 = queryWeight, product of:
2.0473177 = boost
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.3530947 = fieldWeight in 7868, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.649515 = idf(docFreq=422, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=7868)
0.0653399 = weight(abstract_txt:properties in 7868) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.0653399 = score(doc=7868,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17753163 = queryWeight, product of:
2.1340117 = boost
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.36804655 = fieldWeight in 7868, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.888745 = idf(docFreq=332, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=7868)
0.3324699 = weight(abstract_txt:abstraction in 7868) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.3324699 = score(doc=7868,freq=1.0), product of:
0.71280646 = queryWeight, product of:
6.7610593 = boost
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.014127204 = queryNorm
0.4664238 = fieldWeight in 7868, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.462781 = idf(docFreq=68, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=7868)
0.16 = coord(4/25)