Wolfangel, E.: ¬Die Grenzen der künstlichen Intelligenz (2016)
0.12462456 = sum of:
0.12462456 = product of:
0.7789035 = sum of:
0.14125067 = weight(abstract_txt:intelligenz in 4107) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.14125067 = score(doc=4107,freq=1.0), product of:
0.14117163 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1310941 = boost
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.0005598 = fieldWeight in 4107, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.15625 = fieldNorm(doc=4107)
0.2024193 = weight(abstract_txt:künstlichen in 4107) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.2024193 = score(doc=4107,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17944102 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2752223 = boost
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.1280547 = fieldWeight in 4107, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.15625 = fieldNorm(doc=4107)
0.20338212 = weight(abstract_txt:algorithmen in 4107) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.20338212 = score(doc=4107,freq=1.0), product of:
0.18000959 = queryWeight, product of:
1.277241 = boost
7.230979 = idf(docFreq=86, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.1298405 = fieldWeight in 4107, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.230979 = idf(docFreq=86, maxDocs=44218)
0.15625 = fieldNorm(doc=4107)
0.23185137 = weight(abstract_txt:maschinellen in 4107) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.23185137 = score(doc=4107,freq=1.0), product of:
0.19643864 = queryWeight, product of:
1.3342539 = boost
7.5537524 = idf(docFreq=62, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.1802738 = fieldWeight in 4107, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.5537524 = idf(docFreq=62, maxDocs=44218)
0.15625 = fieldNorm(doc=4107)
0.16 = coord(4/25)
Koenig, G.: ¬Das Ende des Individuums : Reise eines Philosophen in die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz
0.09533605 = sum of:
0.09533605 = product of:
0.47668025 = sum of:
0.04995224 = weight(abstract_txt:steht in 503) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.04995224 = score(doc=503,freq=1.0), product of:
0.11206683 = queryWeight, product of:
1.007775 = boost
5.705423 = idf(docFreq=399, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.44573617 = fieldWeight in 503, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.705423 = idf(docFreq=399, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=503)
0.122326665 = weight(abstract_txt:intelligenz in 503) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.122326665 = score(doc=503,freq=3.0), product of:
0.14117163 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1310941 = boost
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.8665102 = fieldWeight in 503, product of:
1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
3.0 = termFreq=3.0
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=503)
0.09358287 = weight(abstract_txt:menschliche in 503) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.09358287 = score(doc=503,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17030917 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2423502 = boost
7.033448 = idf(docFreq=105, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.5494881 = fieldWeight in 503, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.033448 = idf(docFreq=105, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=503)
0.14313206 = weight(abstract_txt:künstlichen in 503) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.14313206 = score(doc=503,freq=2.0), product of:
0.17944102 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2752223 = boost
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.7976552 = fieldWeight in 503, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=503)
0.067686416 = weight(abstract_txt:immer in 503) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.067686416 = score(doc=503,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17289594 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7702411 = boost
5.0110264 = idf(docFreq=800, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.39148644 = fieldWeight in 503, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.0110264 = idf(docFreq=800, maxDocs=44218)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=503)
0.2 = coord(5/25)
Schachtner, C.: Geistmaschine : Faszination und Provokation am Computer (1993)
0.09477064 = sum of:
0.09477064 = product of:
0.78975534 = sum of:
0.22600105 = weight(abstract_txt:intelligenz in 3445) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.22600105 = score(doc=3445,freq=1.0), product of:
0.14117163 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1310941 = boost
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.6008956 = fieldWeight in 3445, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=3445)
0.23988338 = weight(abstract_txt:mensch in 3445) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.23988338 = score(doc=3445,freq=1.0), product of:
0.14689508 = queryWeight, product of:
1.153795 = boost
6.532101 = idf(docFreq=174, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.6330253 = fieldWeight in 3445, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.532101 = idf(docFreq=174, maxDocs=44218)
0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=3445)
0.32387087 = weight(abstract_txt:künstlichen in 3445) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.32387087 = score(doc=3445,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17944102 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2752223 = boost
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.8048877 = fieldWeight in 3445, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=3445)
0.12 = coord(3/25)
¬Die maschinelle Kunst des Denkens : Perspektiven und Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz (1994)
0.08348505 = sum of:
0.08348505 = product of:
0.52178156 = sum of:
0.039043993 = weight(abstract_txt:situation in 5289) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.039043993 = score(doc=5289,freq=1.0), product of:
0.11034431 = queryWeight, product of:
5.6614056 = idf(docFreq=417, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.35383785 = fieldWeight in 5289, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.6614056 = idf(docFreq=417, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5289)
0.14948565 = weight(abstract_txt:intelligenz in 5289) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.14948565 = score(doc=5289,freq=7.0), product of:
0.14117163 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1310941 = boost
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.058893 = fieldWeight in 5289, product of:
2.6457512 = tf(freq=7.0), with freq of:
7.0 = termFreq=7.0
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5289)
0.08096772 = weight(abstract_txt:künstlichen in 5289) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.08096772 = score(doc=5289,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17944102 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2752223 = boost
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.4512219 = fieldWeight in 5289, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5289)
0.25228417 = weight(abstract_txt:expertensysteme in 5289) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.25228417 = score(doc=5289,freq=2.0), product of:
0.30382988 = queryWeight, product of:
1.6593586 = boost
9.394302 = idf(docFreq=9, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
0.8303468 = fieldWeight in 5289, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
9.394302 = idf(docFreq=9, maxDocs=44218)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5289)
0.16 = coord(4/25)
Springer, M.: KI -> ML (2017)
0.08287507 = sum of:
0.08287507 = product of:
0.6906256 = sum of:
0.16950078 = weight(abstract_txt:intelligenz in 3011) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.16950078 = score(doc=3011,freq=1.0), product of:
0.14117163 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1310941 = boost
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.2006717 = fieldWeight in 3011, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.4035826 = idf(docFreq=198, maxDocs=44218)
0.1875 = fieldNorm(doc=3011)
0.24290316 = weight(abstract_txt:künstlichen in 3011) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.24290316 = score(doc=3011,freq=1.0), product of:
0.17944102 = queryWeight, product of:
1.2752223 = boost
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.3536657 = fieldWeight in 3011, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.2195506 = idf(docFreq=87, maxDocs=44218)
0.1875 = fieldNorm(doc=3011)
0.27822167 = weight(abstract_txt:maschinellen in 3011) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.27822167 = score(doc=3011,freq=1.0), product of:
0.19643864 = queryWeight, product of:
1.3342539 = boost
7.5537524 = idf(docFreq=62, maxDocs=44218)
0.019490622 = queryNorm
1.4163285 = fieldWeight in 3011, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
7.5537524 = idf(docFreq=62, maxDocs=44218)
0.1875 = fieldNorm(doc=3011)
0.12 = coord(3/25)