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author_ss:"Bornmann, L."
Leydesdorff, L.; Bornmann, L.; Mingers, J.: Statistical significance and effect sizes of differences among research universities at the level of nations and worldwide based on the Leiden rankings (2019)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
- Leydesdorff, L. 15
- Daniel, H.-D. 8
- Marx, W. 8
- Mutz, R. 8
- Bauer, J. 4
- Haunschild, R. 4
- Daniel, H.D. 2
- Schier, H. 2
- Wagner, C, 2
- Barth, A. 1
- Besselaar, P. van den 1
- Bulajic, M. 1
- Cardona, M. 1
- Castellano, C. 1
- Collins, H. 1
- Dobrota, M. 1
- Egghe, L. 1
- Jeremic, V. 1
- Mingers, J. 1
- Moya Anegón, F. de 1
- Moya Anegón, 1
- Nooy, W. de 1
- Opthof, T. 1
- Radicchi, F. 1
- Thor, A. 1
- Wagner, C. 1
- Wagner, C.S. 1
- Ye, A. 1
- Ye, F. 1
- Ye, F.Y. 1
- Zhou, P. 1
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- Informetrie 44
- Citation indexing 4
- Informationsdienstleistungen 2
- Literaturübersicht 1
- Retrievalalgorithmen 1
- Visualisierung 1
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