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author_ss:"Yang, C.C."
Zhang, M.; Yang, C.C.: Using content and network analysis to understand the social support exchange patterns and user behaviors of an online smoking cessation intervention program (2015)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
- Li, K.W. 4
- Wang, F.L. 3
- Lam, W. 2
- Chau, M. 1
- Chen, H. 1
- Chua, A.Y.K. 1
- Chuang, K.Y. 1
- Chung, A. 1
- Chung, Y.-M. 1
- Fang, X. 1
- Lin, J. 1
- Liu, N. 1
- Lu, Y. 1
- Luk, J. 1
- Menczer, F. 1
- Ramsey, M. 1
- Shi, X. 1
- Song, M. 1
- Tang, X. 1
- Wei, C.-P. 1
- Zhang, M. 1
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